Let Susie Help You - Reiki Emotional Healing

Energy Transformation: How transforming your energy can transform your world and manifest your best life

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August has been a month that SusieBeWell has focused on energy transformation, and manifesting your best self. In this article, we want to take the time to introduce how transformation can help your life, how to start the process, and where to find external help with your transformation of energy.

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Understanding Energy Transformation

As we go about our day, obstacles, opportunities, and everything in between present themselves in our lives. How our day goes depends on how well we react to the energies around us. Our attitude has a large effect on the way we see and live our lives.

Often times, we may be manifesting negative thoughts subconsciously, because there are negative energy blocks in our lives. Sometimes our attitude can be detrimental not by fault of our own, but recognizing the harmful energies is the first step in being able to be mindful of our attitude and outlook on the world.

More on Thought Energy: 

Products We Recommend

Incense Holder for Sticks

Healing Crystal Stone Money Tree Incense Burner, Ash Catcher for Yoga, Meditation and Home Decor (Purple

Karma Scents Premium Incense Sticks

Lavender, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Vanilla, Variety Gift Pack 180 Sticks, Includes a Holder in Each Box

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How Energy Influences Thoughts

When it all comes down to it, everything is energy. Everything we hear, see, feel and smell is made up in different energy waves and energetic frequencies. Our attitude is a direct reflection of how we react to the energies around us. Sometimes we can have harmful energy affecting us without even realizing.

Adjusting Your Energy

In order to adjust your energy emissions, it is important to identify any external factors that can be causing negative manifestations. Although you do not need to necessarily remove these energy emitters, it is beneficial to identify and be able to maneuver the different energies we encounter.

After you have identified the external factors, the most important part comes into play: the internal factors. To adjust our energy to promote positive transformation in our lives, we need to look deep within ourselves and see how we emit negative energy. Sometimes, a second opinion is needed. The second opinion can be a therapist, close friend, family member, Reiki healer, or just a trusted confidant. Although people may be able to offer insight and advice, only we know what is best for us.

After you see what you may have been doing wrong with negative energy manifestation, it is important to train your mind to manifest only positive thoughts. Negative influences, life events, and thoughts may cut into your life, but do not feed these things more energy. It may not always be easy, but do your best to focus on positive thoughts that help promote the transformation you are looking for.

Tips on Adjusting Energy:

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How To Manifest Energy Transformation

Transformation comes from being able to assess how to become your best self, and then taking the necessary steps to reach that point. However, transformation is not a short or lonely journey. As you search within to become your best self, it is important to have people around you that help bring healing and positive energies. If there is no one organically that does that, what may be helpful is seeking a Reiki Healer.

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What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a holistic healing art for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Dr. Mikao Usui developed the style of Reiki that spread to the West in the early 1900’s. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique that can be learned and used by anyone.

So, you may be asking, how does Reiki help with transformation? Here is a list on some of the transformative benefits that come from Reiki:

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5 Ways Reiki Supports Transformation

  1. Rest/Break from the typical daily stressors
  2. Chance for personal breakthrough and revelation
  3. Outside support and healing energy
  4. Energy blocks that are obstacles can be removed
  5. You gain more peace and clarity
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In conclusion, transformation is a long and cooperative effort to help you become your best self. Although it is gradual and takes a lot of effort, it can be fun the entire time. As we mentioned earlier, it is important to embrace change with a positive attitude, and the rest will come with patience and diligence.

Thank you for reading and if you want to learn more about Reiki and my services, check out my services pages:

Also check out some of my contemporaries and their in-depth work!

More information on Reiki how it supports transformation:

Incense Holder for Sticks

Healing Crystal Stone Money Tree Incense Burner, Ash Catcher for Yoga, Meditation and Home Decor (Purple

Karma Scents Premium Incense Sticks

Lavender, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Vanilla, Variety Gift Pack 180 Sticks, Includes a Holder in Each Box

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